Saturday 4 April 2020

Mulder and Scully

Mulder and Scully had lived in Isla Paradiso for a while with their twins William and Leila. The kids grew up and one day Leila, as a young adult, disappeared without a trace. It was a very traumatic time for the family. They reported her disappearance to the police and hired private investigators. No one could find her. Years passed and there were still no leads. Dana and Fox were very rich but all the money in the world didn’t replace their lost daughter. One day Mulder turned to Scully and asked Scully what if Leila had been abducted by aliens. After all, it had happened to Mulder’s sister many years before. Or at least that’s what Mulder always believed had happened. Samantha was never found. He refused to believe that his daughter was now gone for good. They packed up their belongings and left Isla Paradiso and travelled the world in search of their missing daughter. The police had told them that they believed that Leila had just ran away, but her parents knew better. Leila was happy and there was no need for her to run away. She had a great relationship with both her parents and her brother. She was intelligent and happy. No there had to be another explanation.

Eventually the family happened upon a town called Strangeville. They headed to the sheriff’s department first. The sheriff was a very nice man if a little strange. He agreed with Mulder’s theory that Leila may have been abducted by aliens. He knew of a family by the name of Goth and the woman, Bella, had been abducted by aliens. The sheriff also told them about his alien friend who told him about a planet called Lunar Lakes. The story was that Bella’s grave was found on that planet. Mulder and Scully looked at each other with fear in their eyes. They reached for each other’s hands and held on tight. Hopefully they wouldn’t find Leila’s grave in Lunar Lakes. The sheriff agreed to get in touch with his alien friend and get Mulder, Scully and William a ride to Lunar Lakes.

It was quite a long trip but eventually the family arrived in Lunar Lakes and bought a house. They began asking around town, but no one had heard of Leila Mulder. Then one person said that they knew a Leila, but she was married, and her married name was Tomyoy. She wasn’t sure anyone knew Leila’s maiden name.

Leila was visiting her friend Melodie when she got a phone call telling her some people were going around town asking if anyone knew a Leila Mulder. Leila got a sense of déjà vu. Why did that name sound so familiar? She never knew her last name and she had no memory of who she was before she arrived in Lunar Lakes. She left Melodie’s house and headed to one of Lunar Lakes public pools. There she met a man who she’d never seen in Lunar Lakes before.

She asked, “Are you one of the people looking for Leila Mulder”.

He said “yes.” Leila could see by the look in his eyes that he recognised her.

“Who are you?” Leila asked the stranger.

“Your father, Fox Mulder. You don’t recognise me?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t. I don’t have any memory of my life before Lunar Lakes. I don’t even remember arriving here.”

“We have been looking for you for years.”

“Who’s we?”

“Myself, your mother Dana and your brother William.”

“I have a brother?”

“Yes, and parents. We all love you very much and we’ve missed you since you were taken from us.”

“I’m sorry, this is so much to take in. I’m going to need time to process it. I would like to meet Dana and William though. I need to go home right now and talk to my husband.”

“We were told you were married. Are you happy?”

“Extremely. I also have 3 kids and 2 granddaughters.”

“Oh wow. Granddaughters?”

“I was stupid when I first arrived here and had a child to someone I really shouldn’t have. She in turn obviously inherited the stupid gene and had twins at 13. She at least chose a decent guy and they are married and bringing the kids up together.”

“I really hope that we can form a relationship, I’d love to get to know you and your family. I realise you probably aren’t the same person you were the last time we saw you, but you are still our daughter and we’d both like to get to know you again.”

“Like I said, give me some time.” Mulder handed her a card with their address on it before saying their goodbyes and parting ways. Leila headed home to her family.

“Michael, can I talk to you?”

“Of course, you look as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Turn around and I’ll give you a massage while we talk.”

“Oh, that would be heavenly.” Leila told Michael everything that she’d just found out and her subsequent chat with the man claiming to be her father.

“Are you absolutely certain this guy is on the up and up.”

“I think so, but I suppose I don’t know. I think I can sort of see the family resemblance, or maybe I’m trying hard to see something that isn’t really there. I honestly don’t know what to believe, I’ve dreamed that one day I would find out about my past. Maybe my prayers have been answered. I’d like to meet this guys wife and son before I believe any of it.”

“Would you like me to go with you?”

“I think this might be something I need to do alone.”

“Are you sure? It could be dangerous going into the house of a complete stranger. Especially when there’s 2 men and 1 woman. That’s 3 against one. I’d be worried in case these people aren’t who they say they are.”

“I’ll give you the address and tell you when I go. If I don’t phone you 10 minutes after arriving, you come get me.”

“Ok, that sounds fair enough.”

Leila went to meet Mulder, Scully and William and they chatted for a long time. Leila found out all about her past and Her family found out all about Leila’s life since landing in Lunar Lakes all those years ago.

Eventually the whole family decided to move, and they all moved into the same house. Mulder and Scully ended up with a surprise in the form of a new baby, Enya. A few of Leila’s friends came along to the new town and William fell in love with one of them, Trista. They now have a little girl together and got engaged. They are planning their wedding for spring.

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