Tuesday 4 June 2019

Lunar Lakes

Lunar Lakes

Leila Mulder arrived in Lunar Lakes with no memory of her past or how she got to Lunar Lakes. She was a young adult and wanted to have some fun, she wasn’t ready to settle down yet. She had some cash, so built a house to live in and then she went cruising round the neighbourhood for some cute guys. She went to the Big Bang Bistro, and sure enough, she met a cute guy by the name of Benjamin Benton. She asked him if he would like to go to her house and relax with her in her hot tub. He said yes. His daughter Carly just threw Leila a dirty look.

Back at Leila’s house, Leila stripped naked and got into the hot tub, she invited Benjamin to join her. He stripped off and got in. He told Leila that he had a partner, Leila said that if that was an issue then he was free to leave at any time. He didn’t move. Leila put her arm round him and they started making out. One thing led to another and the deed was done. Leila asked Benjamin to leave and then headed out on the prowl again. The next cute guy to catch her eye was Michael Tomyoy. Again, she invited him back to her house and he followed her home. She took him into the treehouse to have her wicked way with him. He seemed so nice and sweet, she almost felt guilty about using him. ALMOST!! Once they were finished and she was asking him to leave, she found out he had commitment issues and had his eye on someone called Sofia. Leila sighed with relief. That made her feel so much better, along with the fact that he was in fact still single. She asked him to leave. She continued this cycle through another 3 guys, using a different place each time. Chris in the bed, Charlie in the wardrobe and Paulo in the shower. Soon after, she was invited to a party. There was a cute hunk playing the guitar. When she got home from the party she could not stop thinking about the cute hunk, she had to find him. She found out his name was Arthur Langerak and found out his number. She called him and invited him over. He was the first guy she didn’t ask to leave after they’d done the deed. She found out that Arthur had a partner, Gloria, but she didn’t care. If he cared that much, he wouldn’t be in Leila’s bed. She also didn’t care about contraception that night, she wanted to have this guy’s baby.

The next night her house was broken into. She called the police, but the burglar managed to get away with her laptop. She found out that night how useless the cops were in Lunar Lakes. Turns out this guy was a well-known criminal around these parts. Leila turned detective again and found out his name was Corwin Anders and managed to get his phone number. The next day she gave him a call and invited him over. She was going to teach this guy a lesson. When Corwin arrived, Leila invited him in and started chatting with him she realised that, apart from being a thief, he wasn’t such a bad guy. He was also really cute. She invited him to spend the night, he said yes. She made sure he used contraception. Neither of them got much in the way of sleep that night.

Shortly afterwards, she found out she was pregnant. She thought maybe it was time to stop sleeping around, at least until after the baby was born. Her pregnancy went well and she had the baby at home, alone. A little girl who she named Aisha. Some long lost relative, with no return address, sent baby Aisha a special toy. Leila so wished that this person had given a return address, maybe she could have asked if this relative could have helped her remember her past.

Soon Aisha became a toddler, Leila threw her a birthday party and invited everyone she knew. Arthur came but he barely looked at his daughter. Leila wasn’t going to let that spoil her daughter’s birthday. It wasn’t her fault that Gloria was angry with him, he could have refused the fun with her but he didn’t. Gloria didn’t blame Leila one bit, in fact they actually became friends. Arthur should have said no to Leila. After everyone had left she tidied up. She was a pro at throwing parties, though she didn’t know why. She just knew how to party.

A couple of days later, it was late afternoon/early evening, when she looked out of her window and spotted Michael lurking about outside her security gate. She went out to greet him and he apologised for lurking. Leila invited him into the house. She hadn’t been with a guy since before she found out she was pregnant. She asked Michael if he’d like to stay the night and he said yes. They spent the most wonderful night together. She really liked Michael, but unfortunately she had built up a bit of a reputation for herself around this town. She was just happy that Michael was happy to enjoy a bit of fun with her. He was an amazing sensual lover. She enjoyed every moment of her night with him.

A couple of nights later, she decided to take Aisha to see her father, Arthur. Arthur wasn’t really interested in seeing Aisha. He was happy to flirt with Leila however. His partner, Gloria, was disgusted and headed off to bed. Leila thought, bugger it, if Arthur wants some nookie and doesn’t care that his partner is around then she wasn’t going to deny him. She led him upstairs to the bathroom. She stripped off and stepped into the shower, Arthur followed in close succession. Gloria was right next door in the bedroom. Afterwards Leila picked up Aisha and headed home.

A night or two later Leila received a call from Michael inviting her over to hang out at his place. Leila picked up Aisha and jumped in a taxi. When she arrived Michael invited her inside, his house was pretty cool. She put Aisha down and made sure she was okay. What happened next, she would never have expected in her wildest dreams. She turned round to kiss Michael, he stopped her. Leila was a bit hurt until she heard what he had to say. He took her hands in his and asked her if she’d like to move in with him, because they got on so well together. Leila paused for a moment, completely shocked. Here was a guy who had openly admitted to her that he had commitment issues willing to commit himself to her, Leila, the cheating homewrecker of Lunar Lakes. Michael was a guy who was truly beautiful on the inside as well as the outside, how could she say no? He was even willing to take her child on and raise her as if she was his own. Leila grabbed Michael and kissed him passionately. He laughed and asked if that meant yes. It took a few hours to rearrange the house to accommodate Aisha’s belongings. Once that was done they settled Aisha down for the night, then went to bed and made love. Leila loved every sensual moment of it. Michael was definitely the guy for her.

They fell madly and deeply in love with each other, there were a lot of romantic interactions going on between them and they didn’t care who seen them. They just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. It soon became apparent that the house just wasn’t going to be big enough for the 3 of them, 4 if you included the cat that had taken up residence with them. Neither Leila nor Michael had any idea where the cat had appeared from but it was very clear that he seen this as his home now. They had both assumed the cat had belonged to the other. They called the cat Sebastian. He was very friendly. They put their money together and had a house built that was more suitable.

Once they had all got settled into their new house they threw a housewarming party. Leila also had to tell the guys that she was still stringing along, that it was over. None of them took it well. Arthur and Benjamin had a bit of a cheek considering they both cheated on their partners. Corwin decided he would pay Leila back for dumping him. Unfortunately for him he made the mistake of forgetting to check their security system. Once bitten twice shy, Leila made sure there was a burglar alarm installed in their new house. Typically though, the police allowed Corwin to get away.

Shortly after they got settled into their new place Leila started to feel sick, she pushed it to the back of her mind. Unfortunately, her body had different ideas. She made it to the toilet just in time. She had only felt this way once before. She was secretly excited but wanted to be 100% sure before breaking the news to Michael. Michael had his own suspicions but he didn’t want to push, he knew that Leila would tell him in her own time. Leila knew that Michael had his suspicions, the look on his face said it all. Neither of them could wipe the smile off their faces. They hugged, kissed and held hands. To tell the truth, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Michael worked hard to climb the career ladder, becoming an astronaut was his dream. It would also allow him to spend more time at home with Leila and the kids. Michael loved Aisha with all his heart but he couldn’t wait to become a father to his own flesh and blood. It would also give Aisha someone to play with other than her doll. Once the pregnancy was confirmed, Leila and Michael started coming up with names. They decided on Nathanial for a boy and Clarissa for a girl. The pregnancy went well and Leila gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The long lost relative sent another toy in the mail for Nathanial. Leila was intrigued as to how this mysterious relative knew when she had given birth. Michael was over the moon with this new addition to the family and to celebrate the occasion he decided to make it even more special. He got down on one knee and asked Leila to marry him. Leila was delighted. They decided to wait until Nathaniel was a bit older before having the wedding. 

The years passed and the kids grew up, Aisha started school and then it was Nathanial’s turn. Leila and Michael decided that now was the best time to start planning for the wedding. They chose their clothes and bought all the relevant items they would need to have the wedding. They were getting married in the garden of their own house. They made sure to plan the wedding out with school hours to allow both kids to be part of the celebration. During the after party Leila was chatting to some of the guests. Next thing, Michael walks out into the hallway to find Leila flirting with one of the guests. It really upset him, Aisha was hurt by it too. Later on Leila assured Michael that he was the only man for her and while she may flirt now and again, she would never dream of taking any further action with anyone other than Michael. She made that vow at their wedding and never intended to break it. She loved Michael too much and knew how lucky she was to have him. Michael understood, after all he was a natural flirt himself. That night, once all the guests were gone and the kids were tucked up sound asleep, Leila turned to Michael and asked him how would he like to make another child with her. Michael jumped at the chance. They desperately wanted a girl this time, which would complete their family. Their wishes were answered when little Clarissa was born. Their family was now complete.

They’d also mysteriously gained another family member, a child called Cosmo. A little girl with blue hair. Nathanial tried to explain to his parents that Cosmo was his imaginary friend, the doll who had gotten bigger as he did and who he made real with the chemistry set bought for him by his parents when he started school. Leila and Michael weren’t convinced and told Michael that they would have to find Cosmo’s parents and send her home. Nathanial asked Cosmo to prove to his parents that he wasn’t making any of this up. Cosmo obliged and turned into her doll form. Leila and Michael stared open mouthed unable to believe their eyes as Cosmo turned back into child form and smiled at them. To say they were shocked would be an understatement. Aisha would often talk about her imaginary friend but when questioned about it she would say that Lucky ran away. Leila and Michael honestly didn’t know what to think anymore. Clarissa never got a doll, Leila wondered if maybe the relative had passed away before Clarissa was born, she would never know.

Leila and Michael were very much in love and would try to make as much effort as they could to spend as much time as possible together. It wasn’t easy with four kids but they managed it. They kept their romance alive as much as they could. They were smitten with each other. They decide to have another house built with a large master bedroom with its own balcony that would allow them some privacy away from the kids.

Over time the children became very close. They all went to the same school, though Cosmo skipped school as much as she attended. Leila and Michael took full advantage of the children’s absence from the house during the day. It also meant that they didn’t have to hide away in their bedroom whenever they wanted to make love. They could do it wherever they wanted, as long as they finished before the kids arrived home from school. They had a close call on more than one occasion, especially when Cosmo had decided to skip school for the day and return home.

The years passed by and the kids all started to grow up. Aisha became a teenager, Leila and Michael threw her a party to celebrate. Arthur came, but as usual, he wasn’t interested in forming a relationship with his daughter. Aisha had tried over the years to forge a relationship with her father but to no avail. She eventually stopped trying and if he turned up at any of the parties her mum and Michael threw, she would just pretend like he wasn’t there. She had a father figure, who loved her very much. He might have been her step father but he’d been more of a father to Aisha than Arthur could ever hope to be.

One day, Leila seen a leaflet advertising a competition that promised the winners 2 nights all-inclusive vacation time to a top class resort a few towns over. She took the leaflet home and showed Michael, they were both a little sceptical but as it was free to enter they thought they’d try anyway. A few days later they receive a message that they’d won the sweepstakes two day vacation. Aisha practically shoved them out the door. She didn’t mind taking care of her younger siblings in the slightest as long as they kept their mouth shut about the party she was planning. Aisha had been talking to a cute guy from school and this was a perfect time to make a move on him. The first time she tried to kiss him he’d knocked her back but then had asked her to go steady at prom. This party was the ideal time to take their relationship to the next level. Once her mum and Michael had left, Aisha got on the phone and invited all her classmates over for the party. Including Jorge. She quivered at the thought of being the first girl in her class to lose her virginity and she could barely hold her excitement in. She ordered pizza and turned on the stereo. Everything was ready. Her bedroom was tidy and her bed was made, she just needed to wait until Jorge arrived. The guests all arrived and everyone had some pizza. Aisha asked Jorge to dance, she was so nervous. After the song had finished, Aisha took Jorge by the hand and led him through to her bedroom and locked the door. She put her arms round him and started kissing him, this time he kissed back. He could feel how tense she was and asked her was she sure that she really wanted to go through with this. She admired him for being so sweet and knew right then that she was making the right decision. She took off her bottom half and lay down on the bed, Jorge stripped naked and straddled her on the bed. She liked what she saw. He asked her again if she was sure, she nodded. Jorge was so gentle and made sure that Aisha was ok and comfortable with every move he made. It was such an amazing experience for both of them. Afterwards Jorge asked if she wanted to go back to her guests and party, she told him that she’d rather be with him in bed. Aisha got on top of Jorge and was getting so carried away in the moment that the voices outside didn’t quite register in her mind. Jorge froze, Aisha looked down at him and at that point she realised that she could hear her mum and Michael’s voices. The 2 teens hurriedly got dressed and Jorge ran out the door. She was pretty sure she was going to get a massive row from her mum. Leila was a bit annoyed that Aisha had had a party while they had been away but assumed it was innocent enough. Aisha said that she hoped her mum and Michael didn’t mind that she’d invited some classmates over to hang out. Leila and Michael said of course they didn’t mind as everyone was respectful and there was no damage done to any of their possessions and everyone behaved themselves. Aisha flashed an innocent smile. The following night after school, Aisha invited Jorge over “to study”. Leila and Michael were busy so Aisha took that opportunity to lead Jorge straight into her bedroom. Aisha asked Jorge if he’d like to finish what they started last night, Jorge didn’t need to be asked twice.